Political Cliff Notes - August 2023

Mayor Robertson here! This is a new way for me to share community correspondence and events for the City of Rialto as well as personal developments of my own.

Political Cliff Notes was designed to be informative not only for residents but for my supporters of mine. We will appreciate your read, engagement, and support by sharing this newsletter with a friend (or two) to make sure you and others are informed about upcoming events and press releases surrounding the city. Happy read!

Mayor Deborah Robertson

Young Marines Graduation

On August 5th, the Young Marines program hosted a class graduation for their Pride Platoons. 

The Young Marines is open to all youth ages 8 through the completion of high school. Upon joining a local Young Marine unit, youth undergo a 26-hour orientation program, generally spread out over several weekly meetings. This orientation is called Recruit Training. The youth learn general subjects such as history, customs and courtesies, close order drill, physical fitness, and military rank structure. After graduating from Young Marine Recruit Training, the youth can learn even more new skills, earn rank, wear the Young Marine uniform and work toward ribbon awards.

We are extremely proud of our Rialto Young Marines and hope we can inspire others to sign up for this excellent program. To become a Young Marine, all youth members must complete Recruit Training. Recruit Training is designed to teach the recruits the basics of what it means to be a Young Marine. To show your interest, click here.

Shades of Blue Hosting Aviation and Space Symposium

SHADES OF BLUE is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to mentoring, tutoring, counseling, and arranging internship and employment referrals for young people who desire to pursue Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics, and Design, 1st + = Computer Languages and the 2nd + = World Languages (STEAMD++) careers. Although SHADES primarily focuses on aviation and aerospace, the same level of assistance across all elements of STEAMD++ is available to all student members.

Shades of Blue is hosting an airline symposium for youth in the community who have an interest in aviation and space. This is a two-day event, August 12 & 13 from 9 AM to 3 PM at the San Bernardino International Airport275 N. Leland Norton Way San Bernardino, CA 92408. 

Those who would like to participate need to register here by August 10th!

City Manager Monthly Update

National Night Out 2023 Recap

On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the Rialto Police Department and members of our community celebrated National Night Out. This annual, nationally recognized event promotes police-community partnerships and neighborhood camaraderie. This FREE event included activities, vendors, police demos, and more! Battle of the Badges Brisket cook-off was between Rialto Fire and PD and plenty of vendors were present. Thank you Rialto PD for hosting another great National Night Out for our community!

Welcoming Back Henry Garcia, Interim City Manager

Interested in Environmental Concerns Around Rialto? SIGN UP TODAY

Mayor Robertson introduces a new newsletter specifically designed for environmental concerns, questions, and inquiries around Rialto. If you are interested in being informed about environmental concerns, click here to sign up!

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